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Beautiful U serves at-risk teen moms by inviting them to become part of loving families.

112 main street


Beautiful U is passionately committed to serving our community and the surrounding Chicagoland area as a Christ-centered, family-style intervention program for at-risk pregnant teens and teen mothers. It is our desire to share the good news of God’s unconditional love with each teen as we provide the individualized physical, emotional and spiritual care and support that she needs in order to help her move into the next stage of her life while feeling loved, supported, confident and independent.


Beautiful U Ministries serves at-risk teen moms by inviting them to become a part of loving families.

Problem: 100% of our moms come into this program homeless * having no permanent home, couch hopping from one potentially dangerous environment to another, living in a car or out on the streets (pregnant or with child) 

1 of every 3 mom's referred to us is a victim of domestic and/or sexual abuse

Beautiful U Ministries has played a critical role in helping provide safe, loving homes SINCE 2010

Did you know?      

*Over 85% of homeless families are supported & headed by single women

* Domestic violence is a principal cause of homelessness among single mothers

* 1 of every 3 homeless women is homeless because of violence committed against her


Beautiful U Ministries works very closely with Lazarus House, Waterleaf Crisis Pregnancy Center in Aurora, local school districts & other welfare agencies. Unfortunately most pro-life advocates, government and/or church officials FAIL to recognize the much BROADER issue that these expectant mothers face: HOMELESS, HOPELESS & HUNGRY   

What is Beautiful U doing to help?  We are building solutions for single moms & children:

Housing: safe, loving, family style intervention

Opportunity: education, vocational or job skill training, networking, accountability & spiritual shepherding

Programs: therapy/counseling, life skill & parenting classes,  budgeting, nutrition, fitness, and spiritual health

Education: continuing education, tutoring, life coaches 

Would you like to have a personal impact in the life of a mom and baby? 1 out of every 3 moms referred to our program is headed into an abortion clinic feeling hopeless. We are grateful for all the volunteers & crisis workers who encourage these women to STOP and CHOOSE LIFE.

Here's where YOU can partner with these moms & babies-

Our BEAUTIFUL moms desperately desire the opportunity & support services necessary to permanently break the cycles of poverty and homelessness.

Join alongside Beautiful U Ministries TODAY!

Partner with us today! Together we can provide more single moms & babies safe housing, job skill training and continued education options. We appreciate your support: monthly, weekly or year end donation.

Please sign up for our quarterly newsletter HERE!!

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